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Published on December 16, 2003 By TheNightGoblin In Movies & TV & Books
Lord Of The Rings owns my life.

i dont know what to do i am ready for the next movie that opens 24 hours from now exactly well it wont be by the time i finish this.

Well being in New Zealand i was close to the action of the great movies as they came to life on the screens i waited over 10 hours sitting next to the red carpet just to get a little look at these great actors at the end of the day i got autographs and one was Peter Jacksons "YAY"
it was a great day (december 1st this was) very hot and will last in my mind forever now all i want is this movie to come to the screens so i wont have to wait any longer and i hope most of you go and see it. on another note: the city of wellington is going to be the host to the new king kong movie. the whole movie will be done in the great city of wellington so i hope we see the great city become a movie capital to the future for the nature that still last from the old native forest is still here hope you all see the movies that are/will be filmed here eg: the last sumurai not sure if i spelled that right. Well good luck to you all and i hope you see return of the king and enjoy

PeaceOut The Night Goblin
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