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What is going to happen to our minds?
Published on December 16, 2003 By TheNightGoblin In PC Gaming
Is the only way for the game industries to make money with violent Games we dont want to play but the young minds do?

I am a young mind but how young you will never know.


Xbox brings out a violent game. Playstation decides it will bring out a more violent game. why would you want to do that? It is a waste money anway. and why dont parents look at the games they buy for there kids?
is the new generation of consoles just a cheap babysitter?
We keep feeding the young minds with violence and so on are we going to create a race of mass murdering criminals?
and the last question i want to ask is would you want your kids using the violence on you or someone else around them?

PAY MORE ATTENTION TO YOUR KIDS i mean come on they are yours after all all i am saying is next time you go to get a stupid cheap babysitter from the video store or local gaming shop you watch what they ask you to buy i mean we have not yet gotten to the age of the loveless so dont act like it.

i guess to conclude all this is the magic in the world is gone and if we think that this electronic age/the age of reason is so powerful why are there wars and so on maybe we are taking a wrong turn?

The Night Goblin
on Feb 11, 2004
I can't believe that you people are still out there. Violent video games do not create killers. The only detrimental aspect are that they train, sick and twisted minds.

Why do companies make violent video games? Because we buy them. People enjoy them. Whether they like to take out their aggression in a world war II simulation, or even if they just enjoy the plot of a violent game. The Grand Theft Auto Series' plots, are one of the biggest reasons for the game's success. I feel that this silly argument over whether games are too violent, has been a waste of the world's time. For years people have been arguing this, and it's pathetic. Violent games are an aspect of our culture that needs to be excepted, whether they're controversial, or not,
on Feb 11, 2004
It desensitizes - just like everything - nonstop ads - mtv - sex, violence, bling bling.

I have this overwhelming urge to grab a Bud Lite.... weird.
on Feb 11, 2004
Theres a thing called "If you dont like it dont get it " , Trust me if i listen to classical it doesnt mean im going to get the urge and conquer a country. Or if i play a video game i wont get the urge to get a ICE RAY gun and freeze a town. Video games have not been a factor in anyone doing anything bad . its the individual itself that causes the problems . You cant clean the world from everything that is bad . Video games are here to stay , and will always be around . Its the parents that have to look out on what the kids play and buy, there are games for kids out there and plenty of games for adults too. I play the nintendo style games to hardcore games, but i dont ever get a urge to do bad things ( except eat the whole bag of Doritos and KIT-KAT bars) After all the people who complain on how bad video games are dont realize that people have a choice you can buy it , rent it , or just ignore it
on Feb 11, 2004
Yep. I can choose to ignore the eight-year old kid next door to me who plays Spliter Cell every night and decides to get out daddy's hunting rifle and go commando?

I remember in the good old days we had pac man and missus pac man and pac man junior and they were all safe and we hung out at the arcade and afterwards we all went down to macdonalds for a coke and cheeseburger and the guy was mean to me but I didnt want to blow him away in bullet time no I didnt want to stuff his face in the deep fat fryer seeing his skin boil off as he screams for mercy and hes finally getting what he deserves because after daddy left mom beat me and called me worthless and my priest wanted to play games with me and it was going to be "our secret"

huh whatrewe talking bout?

on Feb 11, 2004
There's always the Gamecube. As one person said: "Kid tested. Mother approved."

I love the Gamecube though, and it definitely doesn't consist solely of violent games. Hell, the average reader of Nintendo Power seems to be ten-years-old.

Somtimes violent games are fun though. I'm thinking of buying "True Crime" because supposedly I could beat up old people on it and then arrest them. Can you imagine the possibilities?

Still though, I think that children should be restricted to games of a less "mature" nature.