What is going to happen to our minds?
Is the only way for the game industries to make money with violent Games we dont want to play but the young minds do?
I am a young mind but how young you will never know.
Xbox brings out a violent game. Playstation decides it will bring out a more violent game. why would you want to do that? It is a waste money anway. and why dont parents look at the games they buy for there kids?
is the new generation of consoles just a cheap babysitter?
We keep feeding the young minds with violence and so on are we going to create a race of mass murdering criminals?
and the last question i want to ask is would you want your kids using the violence on you or someone else around them?
PAY MORE ATTENTION TO YOUR KIDS i mean come on they are yours after all all i am saying is next time you go to get a stupid cheap babysitter from the video store or local gaming shop you watch what they ask you to buy i mean we have not yet gotten to the age of the loveless so dont act like it.
i guess to conclude all this is the magic in the world is gone and if we think that this electronic age/the age of reason is so powerful why are there wars and so on maybe we are taking a wrong turn?
The Night Goblin